Posts filed under ‘Project 1: Good & Bad Design’

Project 1: Good & Bad Design

I didn’t have to look too far for this project – good and bad communication design were sitting right in my kitchen.

The Good: Giant Eagle Pancake Mix

The pancake mix package succeeds in communicating preparation instructions to the audience. Key words are written in all caps for emphasis. The quantities table pops subtly with its darker yellow background. Its clean gridlines, neat text alignment and clear ingredient labels make it easy to read. The 3 steps are divided into equal-width columns separated by a simple vertical rule and labeled with obvious headings, making them easy to distinguish. Each step is presented consistently; their headings are styled the same way, and the images and bullet points are lined up. The divider for making waffles has just enough space above and below it to indicate separate content without disrupting the flow of the 3 steps. Overall, the design is clean and legible.

Giant Eagle Pancake Mix

Looks delicious.


August 28, 2010 at 2:05 AM Leave a comment

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