Project 6: iPad Book – Article Choice & Initial Ideas

November 9, 2010 at 7:19 PM Leave a comment

Throughout this project, I will be working with the article “Why the revolution will not be tweeted” by Malcolm Gladwell.

This article actually surprised me. The title initially caught my attention because of its reference to Twitter, a social media I use. I expected the text to be about social media – and it is about social media. But it’s also about activism, motivation, and organization – things that have been redefined by social media, but not necessarily in a positive way. It’s this twist that makes the article appeal and matter to me.

The article begins with a story, flows into argument, and concludes with another story and a final message. I plan to choose a few colors to unify the entire text, but use slight color variations to separate what I see as the 3 main sections. Within the argument section, I imagine using changes in typeface or scale to emphasize certain strong sentences or probing questions. I plan on visually contrasting the clean, simple logos of Facebook, Twitter and MySpace next to photographs of historical moments in traditional activism.

Entry filed under: Project 6: iPad Book.

Project 5: Information Visualization – Final Design Project 6: iPad Book – Sketches

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